David G. Marshman-Andrews Photographic Studio Collection

The images in this collection are gifts of David G. Marshman. Many are thought to be from the Andrews Photographic Studio, founded at 500 South Main Street by Marshman’s grandfather, Harmon H. Andrews Sr. in 1904, and later at 1 Main Street. In 1912 Andrews bought the studio of his rival L.M. Rice, located at 13 ½ East Market Street. In the same year Andrew’s mother-in law, Mrs. A. M. Stohl, purchased another Market Street studio, owned by Charles Holman. Mrs. Stohl had previously been a traveling photographer, using a horse and buggy to drive between Warren and small Pennsylvania towns. In 1923 Andrews moved into his mother’s studio. By the 1930’s the studio was being run by Harmon’s brother Ray and Ray’s wife Mary, and they continued until 1960 when Harmon’s daughter Dorothy Andrews Marshman and her husband Glen bought the business. David, their son, worked as a photographer for them until completing his engineering degree. The Andrews Studio closed in 1979 due to Glen’s ill health and advancing age of the Marshmans. All of the images were scans of items in Mr. Marshman's collection, and were sent to the library as JPEG files.