@article{GENERAL, recid = {32}, title = {Second grade class, Hubbard school, circa 1920.}, address = {1920}, number = {GENERAL}, year = {1920}, note = {Names from back of photograph in no particular order: Olive Roberts, Monie Tate, Francis Hall, Dorothy Rowlands Farmer, Ella Bracket, Elizabeth Lloyd, Dorothy Rowlands, Mildred Messenger (Nadener?), Isabel Wentz Summerville ?, Raymond Merick (?) , Fritz Ebeniger (?), Jane Clash ?, Annabell Washington, Ruth Harder, Ester Parn (?), Loretta Petter, Miss Mary Snyder, Katheryn Staduhar, Iva May Long, Lucille Kochli, ? Desantis, Dale Kennedy, Bert Cook, Edward Huff, Vernon Beatty. The girl with the X is Iva Young Long (1910-2001). Gift of Eric T. Halliday.}, url = {http://trumbullmemory.org/record/32}, }