Letter of August 20, 1832 from Abraham and Rosina Myers Barb (parents of John Myers Barb) to her brother Johannes Myers, Jr.
Date (Text)
August 20, 1832
MSS Number (Local Identifier)
Subject (Topic)
Original Format
Deborah M.S. Brown
Letter of 20 August 1832
Bristol August the 20th 1832
Sir We taken this opertunity [sic] to in form [inform] you that We are all Well at present only Rosanna is Not Well She was put to bed on fryday [Friday] before Easter and hath [had] a pare [pair] of twins a boy and a girl but they did Not Live but a few houers [hours] and She has bin [been] sick ever sense and is Not able to Make her own vituals [victuals?] yet but She is a giting [getting] better Now She has hath [been] to [the] Docter [sic] all the time it is [sic] Cost us a good cent? and furder [further] I in form [inform] you that I hath a Canser [Cancer?] in my face and hath [gone] to [the] Docter [sic] and it Cost me fifteen Dollars to git [sic] it out furder I have Nothing to write in perticular [sic] onley [only] Rosanna thinks that she ought to have her Share of Mothers [sic] estate and We Need it Now having hath bad luck We are mittling? hard Crouded? We have to Make up some money by the first of November and if posable [possible] there Can be any got for us I would be glad if you Could Send it out in a letter as soon as posable [possible] We have lost four head of Cattle this Summer two cows and two steers did [died] Nothing more at present onley [sic] our Love to Sisters and brothers and all inquiring friends
Abraham Barb Rosanna Barben
[NOTE: The perpetual calendar says that the Friday before Easter in 1832 was April 20. Also note that "Barben" was the German feminine form of "Barb."]
[On back of document-1832-08-20a]
Virginia Shenandoah
County Woodstock
Postoffice to
John Myers in hardy
[Upside down under the above-1832-08-20b]
Bristolville O}
August 20th } 18 3/4
Items 051-001-267 to 051-001-274 [072- 079] are donations from Deborah M.S. Brown of Maryland, sent as scans attached to emails in November, 2019. They consist of six letters from Abraham and Rosina Myers Barb to her brother John Myers, plus photographs of Abraham and Rosina's son John Myers Barb and his wife Sarah Norton Barb.
Deborah M.S. Brown
Usage Statement
Record Appears in