Letter of February 26, 1834 from Abraham and Rosina Myers Barb (parents of John Myers Barb) to her brother Johannes Myers, Jr.
Date (Text)
February 26, 1834
MSS Number (Local Identifier)
Subject (Topic)
Original Format
Deborah M.S. Brown
Letter of 26 February 1834:
February the 26th 1834
Sir we take this opertunity [sic] to in form [inform] you that we are all in good health at present thanks be to God who give it hoping this [these] few lines may find you so to[o] furder [further] I inform you that I received your letter and h?????d that you are all well onley [sic] Jacob['s] wife fuder [further] I in form [inform] you that we have not hath much winter here this year this month has been warm forther [further] we have not mutch [sic] to write at present you wanted to know what bills would pass here United States or most any good Bank will pass Direct the letter right and Seal it good and I will resgue? [rescue?] it we remember our Love to you all and all friends
Abraham Barb
Items 051-001-267 to 051-001-274 [072- 079] are donations from Deborah M.S. Brown of Maryland, sent as scans attached to emails in November, 2019. They consist of six letters from Abraham and Rosina Myers Barb to her brother John Myers, plus photographs of Abraham and Rosina's son John Myers Barb and his wife Sarah Norton Barb.
Deborah M.S. Brown
Record Appears in