OAIRepository Admin Guide


1. Overview
2. OAI Repository (Exporting)
       2.1 Definition of OAI sets
       2.2 Exposing metadata via OAI Repository Gateway

1. Overview

The OAI Repository module handles metadata delivery between OAI-PMH v.2.0 compliant repositories. Metadata exchange is performed on top of the OAI-PMH, the Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. The OAI Repository Admin Interface can be used to set up a database of OAI sources and open your repository for OAI harvesting.

2. OAI Repository (Exporting)

The OAI Repository corresponds to a set of metadata exposed for periodical harvesting by external OAI service providers. The following steps have to be done in order to expose metadata via OAI:

2.1. Definition of OAI sets

The definition of the OAI sets in the OAI Repository Admin Interface lets you choose:

  1. which records are to be exposed via OAI, by using the standard Invenio search syntax.
  2. which OAI sets are available in your repository. Simply specify the setSpec and setName of the set.

Let's say you want to expose all the records in the collection "Articles" that have a report number starting with 'hep-': simply add a new set definition in the OAI Repository Admin Interface, choose the setName (Eg: "HEP Articles") and setSpec (Eg: "articles:hep"), and fill in the collection field with "Articles", the first Phrase field with "hep-*" and choose search field "report number".

If you want to export all the records in your repository, just leave all the query parameters blank. You can also omit the OAI setSpec and setName if you do not want to organize your repository into a hierarchy.

If you want to force all the clients currently harvesting a given set you are exporting (e.g. because you have enriched a metadata export format) you can simply touch the corresponding set.

Tip: since the exposed records are retrieved using the Invenio search engine, you can test your query definition in the advanced search interface of your repostory.

2.2. Exposing metadata via OAI Repository Gateway

2.2.1 oairepositoryupdater commmand-line tool

Once the settings of the OAI Repository are defined, the next step is to expose corresponding metadata via the OAI Repository Gateway. This is done by launching the oairepositoryupdater script, that will add the OAI identifier and OAI setSpec(s) to the records to be exposed (according to the settings defined in the OAI Repository admin interface).

Oairepositoryupdater usage

 oairepositoryupdater [options]

   -r --report            OAI repository status
   -d --detailed-report   OAI repository detailed status
   -n --no-process        Do no upload the modifications

 Scheduling options:
   -u, --user=USER       User name to submit the task as, password needed.
   -t, --runtime=TIME    Time to execute the task (now), e.g.: +15s, 5m, 3h, 2002-10-27 13:57:26
   -s, --sleeptime=SLEEP Sleeping frequency after which to repeat task (no), e.g.: 30m, 2h, 1d
   -P, --priority=PRIORITY       Priority level (an integer, 0 is default)
   -N, --task_specific_name=TASK_SPECIFIC_NAME   Advanced option

 General options:
   -h, --help            Print this help.
   -V, --version         Print version information.
   -v, --verbose=LEVEL   Verbose level (0=min, 1=default, 9=max).

 Print OAI repository status
   $ oairepositoryupdater -r
 Print OAI repository detailed status
   $ oairepositoryupdater -d

Oaiharvest usage examples

To expose the sets defined in the OAI Repository Admin Interface and update them every day:

 $ oairepositoryupdater -s24
To print out the current status of your OAI repository. Note that this is a quick report that might not be accurate if you repository is out of sync. See oairepositoryupdater -d for a more accurate ( but slower) report:
$ oairepositoryupdater -r
To print out the detailed status of yoyr OAI repository:
$ oairepositoryupdater -d

Please see also invenio.conf for more fine configurations of the OAI Repository.

2.2.2 OAI-PMH handler

OAI harvester wishing to harvest records exposed by the current instance can access the OAI-PMH handler available at:

E.g. visit https://trumbullmemory.org/oai2d?verb=Identify in order to receive the OAI-PMH identification of this Invenio instance.